Industrial Timber Company


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Lining from a larch (more correct to call it a doubling board, as it is called so in technical documentation), is minimal subject to deformation which is caused by a surplus or a lack of moisture. As it is possible to guess, the name "lining" has something general with coaches, as for their covering was used the board with bilateral selection (that there were no chinks).

 eurovagonka iz listvennicy

"Calm" lining from a larch

"Calm" differs from eurolining in a profile – "Calm" lining has no deepening from the side of the thorn, so-called "shelf".

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Our production suits ideally not only for finishing of ceilings, but also for finishing of walls and so forth.

The tangential cut of "Calm" lining, applied during the covering of internal surfaces of rooms, allows to emphasize the naturalness and uniqueness of an interior with soft forms of transition of the planes of the wood in your house. 


Lining use

Lining from a larch is the finishing material featuring the flat wall panel. The larch is one of the best options of the material, which can be the base for the lining, the price of this wood isn't high and it is one of the most important popularity factors.

On durability it can be compared to an oak, the term of its service is about hundred years. And in comparison with the relatives - a fir, a fir-tree, a cedar and even a pine the lining from larches has powerful advantages in all key parameters: butt hardness, durability at stretching and compression and, of course, durability.

Lining is often used for finishing of internal rooms. Moreover, lining is used in the bathhouses for the wall-covering, as it is moisture-proof.

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