Industrial Timber Company SIBLES IMPEX LLC gives you a unique opportunity to purchase edged and unedged timber with no extra charge intermediaries. As the manufacturer, we always guarantee products of the highest quality and the lowest prices for coniferous and deciduous edged and unedged timber.
Order cheap edged wooden plank from the Siberian larch.
The prices for production
Name | Breed | Cross section, mm | Length, m | Sort | Price (rub./cubic meter) |
Edged board | Larch | 25÷50 х 100÷150 | 3,0 ÷ 6,0 | 1÷4 | Contractual |
Edged board | Larch | 25÷50 х 100÷150 | 3,0 ÷ 6,0 | 1÷4 | Contractual |
Edged boards are perhaps the most popular material in the field of eco-friendly construction. Such popularity can be explained by its versatility. The price of edged boards in the Irkutsk region can vary within quite large ranges. It is more efficient for customers to buy edged and unedged boards wholesale from the manufacturer.
Features and types of edged board
As a rule, the selected material affects the pricing of the boards. Price and versatility are the important advantages of our boards. Depending on the type wood board can be used both for rough work, and in external or interior finishing. It is used as a primary supporting and carrying element in construction and as an auxiliary material in the manufacturing of ladders and interior.
Also edged wooden boards are used in following cases:
If you choose the edged timber its price per cubic meter will depend on the type of wood. The flat, smooth surface, which is formed when the outer edges are cut off with circular saws, is the characteristic feature of the material. Namely this is its main advantage over the unedged board. Therefore, the price of such timber is always a little bit higher.
Placing an order with us, you can be sure that the cubic meter of edged softwood and hardwood boards will be be cheaper in comparison with the pricing of intermediary companies. Furthermore, we guarantee high quality products and are willing to fulfill orders of any volume.
Wood moldings from a larch >>>
Floorboard from a larch |
Eurolining from a larch |
Larch planken |
Larch Terrace Boards |
Block house |