Industrial Timber Company


+7 (3953) 99-33-33

+7 (3953) 99-33-17

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 Key factors are:

1. Flaws in the Wood. Flaws are an indicator of the quality of wood. There are various types of flaws; knots, roughness, irregular trunk forms, etc. The flaws appear during the wood processing procedures. The fewer flaws there are, the higher the quality of the wood.


2. Production. Lumber capabilities mostly depend on the manufacturing process, first of all – on the bucker. His objective is to select the best logs and get maximum quantity of materials. Mill saw plays a key role either it can be circular or banded. Right log rotation and sawn edge grade are also very important.


3. Wood sort. Product quality depends on wood sort choice.

kachestvo drevesina

-  Larch is considered the most solid and durable wood. It’s used for making load bearing materials: floorboards, beams, wall boards. Disadvantages are high prices, expensive production, and high thermal conductivity.

- Pine is all-purpose material. It is less solid than larch but is easy to process. Larch contains a lot of babuls. The wood is suitable for making boards, beams, logs, bars and facing materials.

- Aspen is a frost- and moisture-proof wood. It doesn’t tend to decay, even when submerged under water for long periods of time. It is also very solid and easy processed. Aspen is used mostly for the construction of roofing.

- Birch is another sturdy type of timber. It is easy to process and polish, which means it is widely used in industry. But it is less resistant to decay. It is applied for plywood production, turneries, and furniture.


4. Wood type also plays an important role in quality determination. Only top-class materials are used in the building of important structures. The shape is the main marker: the product must be even, without deformations and twists.


5. Wood humidity is also a key factor. The materials are dried naturally or by artificial means (in drying tunnels). The less moisture there is in the wood, the higher quality and more expensive the products are.


So, the more factors are checked on the wood processing enterprise, the more high-quality goods it produces.

 It is widely known that the housing problem becomes very acute in our country. Low-rise wood construction can resolve this problem. So high-quality lumber delivery is very important. It directly depends on lumber properties and treatment class. Our company production meets all rate levels and environmental friendliness. Our enterprise cares for wood resources protection.

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